Member Login

Children of members may become Junior Members if they are sponsored by their parents and/or legal guardians. A proposed Junior member whose parents are not members must be sponsored by two Senior, Associate, or Intermediate Members.

Junior Members

  • Between ages of 12 and 20 years old.
  • May not purchase a share of stock.
  • Must be sponsored by an adult member of the club.  This sponsorship must be renewed every year.

Why is Junior Membership important?

Junior Members are the life blood of the Pass Christian Yacht Club. Junior membership allows young men and women many outstanding social, sailing and sporting activities. As members they enjoy membership in the best yacht club in the Gulf Yachting Association and Birthplace of Yachting in the South. Furthermore, a Junior Member in good standing with continuous membership since their 14th birthday will be eligible following written application and approval of the Board, to transfer to Intermediate A, Intermediate B, Associate or Senior Membership without paying an initiation fee. Junior Members in good standing during each of the two years preceding their 21st birthday will, if elected, be credited for all dues paid prior to his or her 21st birthday against the payment of the appropriate initiation fee.